Welcome to the Zone 5 Training Academy website! We are excited to present our new and improved platform, which contains all the valuable content from the previous site in a fresh and user-friendly interface. In addition, we have introduced enhanced functionality to provide a seamless experience for our registered users, who are exclusively members of authorized agencies.

One of the key features is the ability for registered users to log in and access the class schedule, easily sign up for classes, and register students, all within the secure login screen. We have streamlined the process to make class sign-ups more convenient and efficient.

To keep you informed, we will be posting regular updates and announcements. On the home page, you will find three distinct categories below the heading:

  1. Zone 5 Information: This section contains posts about the Zone itself, including information related to the academy’s building and grounds.
  2. Current Session Information: Here, you will find posts specific to the ongoing session, such as details about counselors, participating agencies, and other relevant information related to the current training program.
  3. General Information: In this category, you will find posts like this one, providing updates and insights about the new website. It covers topics that are not directly related to the Zone but are important for our membership to be aware of.

We appreciate your time in reading this message, and we sincerely hope you enjoy the enhanced features and user experience of our new website. Should you have any questions or encounter any issues, please don’t hesitate to reach out.